One hundred years ago today on October 11, 1923, Mervin Wahl was born in Wilmington. Mervin was fascinated by the tools his dentist used, and against his mother Bella’s wishes (who wanted him to become a physician), at the age of six or seven, he decided to become a dentist.
When he was eight years old, Mervin and his mom were at a store, and he saw a comic book he wanted. Bella said she would buy him the comic book if he became a physician instead of a dentist, and Mervin readily agreed. After receiving the comic book, Mervin promptly told his mom, “Fooled you — I still want to be a dentist!” Mervin went on to graduate from dental school in 1946 and started his own practice soon afterward.
Today, a century after his birth, we are proud to continue the legacy that Dr. Mervin began many years ago here at Wahl Family Dentistry. Happy birthday Dr. Mervin!